
How To Draw A Girl With Long Hair How To Draw Cute Animals

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Drawing a girl'south face can exist tricky, even for experienced artists. Fortunately, whether you want to describe a realistic girl's confront or a cartoon face, you can use reference lines and a step-past-step approach to help you succeed. Once you tin successfully depict a girl's face up with guidelines, information technology will be easier to draw from photos and alive models.

  1. 1

    Depict an oval and divide it into 3 sections to brand the head. Make the oval slightly rounder than you ordinarily would since girls tend to have rounder faces than boys. To separate the oval into iii sections, start by drawing a horizontal line through the centre. Then, draw a second horizontal line through the halfway indicate between the first line you drew and the lesser of the oval.[i]

    • Dividing the confront into sections will brand it easier to become the proportions of the face right afterwards on.
    • Imagine that the face is on your center level, and that yous are looking straight in her optics.
  2. 2

    Draw the eyes on the top horizontal line. Girls have all kinds of centre shapes, but generally, they're fatigued with larger and rounder eyes than boys are. Center the eyes on the horizontal line so the line runs through the center of each eye. Also, make the distance between the inner corner of each eye the same length as one eye. If you were to depict a third middle between the ii optics, it should fit perfectly.[2]


  3. three

    Add together the pupils and eyelashes to the eyes. Girls tend to have longer, thicker eyelashes than boys. To create the appearance of long, thick eyelashes, shade in and thicken the upper and lower lash lines, making them thicker at the outer corners. When you're finished with the eyelashes, draw a large circumvolve in each center that'southward partially eclipsed by the upper lash line and that has an equal amount of white space on each side of it. Then, draw a smaller circle in each large circle and shade them in to make the pupils. Leave a tiny dot of white space in each pupil to make it wait similar in that location'southward light reflecting off of them.[three]

  4. 4

    Draw an arched eyebrow higher up each heart. In full general, girls' eyebrows are thinner and more than arched than boys' eyebrows, merely yous can play around with the shape and thickness. To describe the eyebrows, first with your pencil slightly higher up the outer corner of one eye and describe a downward curving line that swoops down and starts to curve back upward equally you get closer to the inner corner of the eye. And then, repeat over the other eye.[4]

    • To make the eyebrows thicker, lightly go over the lines you drew a few times and shade around the arches.
  5. 5

    Draw the tip of the olfactory organ along the bottom horizontal line. Like boys, girls take a multifariousness of nose shapes, merely their noses are usually fatigued with fewer, softer lines to prevent them from looking besides masculine. To draw the tip of the nose, outset a niggling bit above the bottom horizontal line with the tip of your pencil lined up with the inner corner of the heart above it. So, draw a short, curved line down toward the horizontal line that doesn't quite reach it, followed past an upwards horizontal bend that swoops downwardly and meets the horizontal line. Repeat the same steps on the other side of the confront, merely mirrored, to finish the tip of the nose.[5]

    • Avoid cartoon the span of the olfactory organ since it tin make the olfactory organ expect besides masculine. You'll be able to define the span later with shading instead of harsh lines.
  6. 6

    Use shading to softly define the bridge and tip of the nose. Offset with your pencil at the inner cease of the eyebrow on one side of the face. Then, lightly shade downwards along the span of the nose, stopping when you reach the bottom of the eye. Next, bring your pencil down to the nostril on the same side and lightly depict a vertical curved line up toward the bridge of the nose. So, shade in the infinite between that line and the outer border of the nostril to ascertain the tip of the nose.[6]

    • Only do this on 1 side of the face. If you try to shade both sides of the nose, it may look likewise defined and masculine.
  7. 7

    Depict the lips halfway betwixt the tip of the nose and the mentum. For a conventional girl's face, you'll want to make the lips round and full. Starting with your pencil at the halfway point between the nose and chin, depict a short, horizontal, upward curve that'south centered between the 2 sides of the face, which volition be the dip at the lesser of the upper lip. So, draw a slightly longer upward curve extending off each finish of the start curve. Side by side, repeat the same steps slightly above the lines you merely drew, and connect the ends of these outer curves with the ends of the get-go outer curves you drew to end the upper lip. Finally, draw a long, upward curve from i corner of the lips to the other to brand the lower lip.[7]

    • The outer corners of the lips should extend past the nostrils above them. Otherwise, the lips may look too small.
  8. 8

    Depict an ear on each side of the caput. To draw the ears, start at one side of the head then your pencil is lined up with the outer edge of the countenance. Then, draw a short, horizontal, upward curve extending off the side of the caput to make the top of the ear. Next, draw a vertical line curving outward that runs from the terminate of the top of the ear down to the side of the face right above where the tip of the nose falls. Instead of bringing the cease of the curve all the fashion to the side of the face, go out a small-scale gap and fill it in with a minor, up curve to brand the bottom of the ear. Repeat on the other side of the head.[8]

  9. nine

    Draw the hair with a hairline that starts below the elevation of the oval. This will give the face a soft, feminine hairline. If yous describe the hairline correct at the top of the oval, the forehead may look harsh and too big. After you draw the hairline, draw the outline of the hair and so information technology's larger and wider than the oval itself, which will brand the hair expect fuller. So, go in with your pencil and depict long lines downwards the length of the hair so it looks like it has individual strands.[9]

    • Yous can draw the pilus tucked backside the ears, or you can describe it over the ears and erase any part of the ears that would be covered by hair.
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  1. ane

    Draw an oval that'due south narrower at the bottom and divide it into 4 sections. Avoid making any harsh, straight lines since cartoon girls normally have rounder faces. To divide the oval into 4 sections, start past drawing a vertical line down the heart of information technology. So, depict a vertical line that curves upwardly slightly and runs through the oval slightly beneath the halfway signal on the vertical line.[ten]

    • The sections at the top of the oval should be bigger than the sections at the bottom.
  2. 2

    Draw a pocket-size nose near the heart of the oval. Cartoon girls are typically fatigued with simple, rounded noses. Don't brand the nose rigid or divers or it could look too masculine. To draw the nose, showtime with your pencil at the point where the vertical and horizontal lines intersect. And so, draw a line down abroad from that signal, having information technology slightly curve away from the vertical line. Finally, describe a curt line that curves back in toward the vertical line.[11]

  3. iii

    Draw large, exaggerated eyes on top of the horizontal line. Make the eyes large and exaggerated so they await more cartoonish and feminine. Draw ane eye on each side of the vertical line and so the outer corners of the optics are well-nigh touching the edges of the confront. The inner corners of the eyes should fall along the aforementioned horizontal path as the top betoken on the nose, and they should both be the same distance from the vertical line.[12]

    • Give the eyes an almond shape that'southward flatter on the lesser and rounder on peak.
  4. 4

    Add dark eyelashes to the tops and bottoms of the eyes. Cartoon girls are oftentimes drawn with night, exaggerated eyelashes, and so go over the upper and lower lash lines with your pencil to darken them. Then, between the tops of the optics and the outer corners, depict thin, narrow triangles extending off the optics. Shade them in so they wait like eyelashes, and brand them bend up slightly at the pointed ends so they look more than feminine. When you're finished, echo on the bottoms of the eyes, almost the outer corners.[13]

  5. 5

    Draw big pupils inside of the eyes. To draw the pupils, depict a large circle in each eye so the tops of the circles are slightly eclipsed by the tops of the eyes. Then, in the center of each circumvolve, draw a modest circumvolve and shade it in. Finally, shade in the large circles then they're slightly lighter than the pupils, leaving some white infinite in the upper correct corner of each circle then information technology looks like calorie-free is reflecting off of them.[14]

  6. vi

    Draw the lips slightly below the bottom of the nose. Beginning with your pencil on the vertical line running downwards the center of the confront. Then, draw a horizontal line with a slight meridian in the middle extending off of the vertical line. Next, repeat on the other side of the vertical line and connect the ends of these 2 lines with a horizontal line that'southward slightly curving upwards to finish the upper lip. To make the bottom lip, start at an outer corner of the peak lip and draw a curved line in toward the vertical line so they intersect about halfway between the top lip and the chin. And then, repeat on the other side to finish the lesser lip.[15]

    • When you lot're finished, you should accept a large, rounded lower lip, which volition help the cartoon face up expect more than feminine.
  7. 7

    Add thin, arched eyebrows. Generally, drawing girls are drawn with thin eyebrows that arch high above the eyes. To draw the eyebrows, commencement with your pencil slightly in a higher place the eyelash nearest the outer corner of one of the optics. Then, draw an arched, downward curve over the top of the eye that ends along the same vertical path equally the inner corner of the heart below information technology. When you're finished, repeat over the other middle.[16]

    • The eyebrows don't need to be the exact same length, just try to make them the same shape so they look counterbalanced.
  8. 8

    Add ears with earrings on the sides of the heads. To depict the ears, start with your pencil on one side of the face, lined up with the outer corner of the eye. Then, draw a vertical oval along the side of the face that ends along the same horizontal path equally the bottom of the nose. Side by side, draw a small circumvolve that overlaps the bottom of the oval to make an earring. Echo on the other side of the confront to make the other ear.[17]

    • You can try drawing different shapes for the earrings, or you tin can get out them out birthday.
  9. 9

    Draw the hair around the head and add a hairline or bangs. Sketch an outline of the hair so information technology extends past the head, which will make the hair wait fuller. You can also add bangs that swoop downwardly over the forehead, or you can draw a downward curved line that runs across the forehead from i side of the head to the other to make a hairline. If you draw a visible hairline, make sure information technology's lower than the top of the caput. Otherwise, the forehead will look also big.[18]

    • If you're drawing long pilus, you tin draw it tucked behind the ears and get out the ears as they are, or you can depict the hair over the ears and erase any parts of them that are covered.
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    How do you draw a beautiful daughter's face?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    To make the girl in your drawing expect cute, requite her more than kid-similar features. For example, yous can requite her big eyes with long lashes, a round face with a small chin, and a slightly turned-up nose. Make her smiling slightly to give her a friendly expression.

  • Question

    How do yous draw cute lips?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    To make the lips look nice and cute, avoid drawing harsh lines. Sketch in a cupid'south bow shape to advise the top lip, and then a gentle curve for the bottom lip. Shade in a soft line between the two lips, with a slight downwardly dip in the centre. Gently shade in the upper lip, but leave the bottom lip lighter at the center to give it a full look.

  • Question

    How practise you draw a girl'south face up easily?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    Proceed the features unproblematic and cartoony to make it easier. For example, sketch in an oval for the confront, put her eyes about halfway between the chin and forehead, and make a small curve to suggest the nose. Add eyebrows and eyelashes to the eyes. You tin can make a unproblematic line for the rima oris or add lips if yous want a picayune more than detail. Adjacent, sketch in some hair and erase any guidelines you made to finish your drawing.

  • Question

    How can I draw high cheek basic?

    Community Answer

    Y'all tin draw a line around the small bulge in her cheeks. Then, smudge the line down with your finger or a paper towel. Erase what you lot don't desire.

  • Question

    How do I make an angry/mad face?



    Community Answer

    Try drawing pointed down eyebrows. This volition give your character an angered await. Also, try making the rima oris into a pout, or describe the mouth open, as if the character is yelling.

  • Question

    How practice I describe a realistic drawing of a girl?

    Community Answer

    My reply is to add shading. If you shade different parts of her face it will look more realistic. Shade things like to eyelids, under the chin, ears, and her jaw line. Make sure that it blends into the color of the newspaper. Practice helps.

  • Question

    What can I practice if I cannot go the shape of the face up right?

    Community Answer

    Draw a normal circumvolve on top and an oval on the bottom - like a venn diagram with a circumvolve and an oval.

  • Question

    How tin can I improve my cartoon skills?

    Community Answer

    At that place are many ways to improve. Take a drawing course to larn different techniques. You lot may as well find some brief lessons on YouTube. Proceed practicing and you lot will get amend eventually.

  • Question

    How can I depict the girl crying?

    Community Answer

    Make her eyebrows tilt to i side. Then, describe to water drops, each at a dissimilar role of the cheek. Next, you describe a wriggly line on top of the two tear drops.

  • Question

    How tin can I make the perfect shaped optics?

    Community Answer

    Make a perfect eye template on a slice of paper-thin and cut it out. Then, apply it for both eyes.

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Article Summary X

To draw a girl's face, start by cartoon an oval for the head and dividing information technology into 4 equal sections with a horizontal and vertical line that intersect in the centre. Then, draw 2 horizontal ovals near the acme of each lesser section for the optics. Next, mark a line halfway between the horizontal line and the bottom of the caput, which will exist the tip of the olfactory organ. Describe a line halfway between that point and the bottom of the head for the bottom of the mouth. Utilise these reference lines to draw the lips and olfactory organ earlier adding the finishing details. To larn how to sketch and shade the irises, pupils, and eyebrows in your drawing, scroll down!

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