
Will you buy Surface Duo for $1,400? (poll)

Microsoft unveiled the price and other details about the Surface Duo today. The dual-screen device will cost $1,400 for the 128GB version and $1,500 for the 256GB version. The Surface Duo is Microsoft's commencement Surface device running Android and features a unique course cistron that makes it hard to compare directly to other devices.

The Surface Duo folds on hinge but doesn't feature a foldable screen, then it's not straight comparable to the Galaxy Z Flip or Galaxy Fold. It features telephony capabilities, but Microsoft doesn't position it as a telephone, so information technology isn't comparable to flagship phones in a like cost range. It is a Surface device, simply it runs a different operating organisation than any of its Surface siblings. For these reasons and more, the price of the Surface Duo is a unique figure to gauge.

In addition to the uniqueness of the device, the Surface Duo besides features an interesting set of internals. Microsoft didn't include the highest stop specs and sure features that yous'd expect in a phone at a similar toll. The Surface Duo lacks NFC, wireless charging, and 5G back up. Microsoft states that it prioritized the cadre functionality of the Surface Duo, focusing on productivity features such equally the device's two screens.

What practice you recollect of the Surface Duo'south price? Is $i,400 too much for the device or is it a off-white price for a new product category from Microsoft? Let us know in the poll above and share your thoughts in the comments beneath.

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Microsoft Surface Duo

Microsoft Surface Duo

2 screens are better than one.

Microsoft delves into the hereafter of foldables with an aggressive dual-screen device, featuring 2 ultra-thin 5.half dozen-inch AMOLED displays leap by a 360-degree hinge. This pocketable inking-enabled Android smartphone marks the latest in the Surface lineup, geared for mobile productivity.

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