
What Is The Fee For A Passport Picture At The Ups Store At 1835 Miami Gardens Drive?

UPS Passport Photo Cost Examined by DoNotPay

Getting passport photos that meet the requirements is easy at many UPS locations countrywide.

DoNotPay takes a look at the UPS store passport photo cost and examines all the alternatives to get you ready for travel as easily as possible!

Why Do I Need Special Photos for a Passport?

Getting a passport photo is not as easy as taking your most recent cool selfie and printing it out.

Passport photos need to comply with strict regulations issued by the Bureau of Consular Affairs. The rules are as follows:

  1. Size
  2. Background
  3. Clothing, glasses, and appearance
  4. Facial expression


Your passport photo must measure exactly 2 x 2" (5 x 5 cm), and your head should be between 1 and 1 3/8" from top to bottom.


The photo background should be plain white, and you should not cast a shadow in your picture. The outline of your head needs to be distinguishable from the background.

Clothing, Glasses, and Appearance

You should wear neutral colors that do not distract from your face. Glasses should be removed, and sunglasses are not allowed.

You also need to remove any headgear unless it is a religious or medical requirement. In these cases, you will need:

  • A written statement explaining your membership of a recognized religion
  • A doctor's letter confirming your medical need to wear something on your head

Any item of clothing that obscures your face needs to be removed.

Facial Expression

Passport photos should show you with a neutral facial expression. A natural smile is permitted, but your mouth should be closed. Both eyes need to be open, and the photo has to show you looking directly into the camera.

UPS understands these regulations and can provide passport photos that meet the criteria.

What Is the UPS Store Passport Photo Price?

If you use a UPS store to have your passport photos taken, you will pay $11.99 for two hard copies of your photo.

Your photos are normally processed while you wait, but you may have to return later the same day to collect them. UPS advises that you make an appointment at one of their 4,900 outlets to ensure rapid service.

The price of UPS passport photos compares to other stores as follows:

  • FedEx—$14.95
  • USPS—$15
  • Walmart—$7.44
  • Target—$12.99
  • CVS photo—$14.99
  • Walgreens—$14.99
  • AAA—between $10 and $15 (the price depends on your membership level)

Why Are Passport Photos So Expensive?

Store-bought passport photos are expensive because you are paying for the cost of the equipment, staff time, and company overheads associated with the store. You should also factor into the cost of the following elements:

  • Travel to and from the store
  • Parking
  • A possible second trip to pick up the photos
  • Wasted time

The cheaper option is to take your own passport photos at home , but this is not a simple exercise.

Can I Save Money by Taking and Printing Photos at Home?

To take digital passport photos at home, you will need a good cell phone, tablet, or camera to achieve the results you need.

To ensure your photos comply with the requirements, you will need:

  • Adequate lighting
  • A tripod or helper (selfies are prohibited)
  • Photo editing software or access to an online photo tool

The process for creating your own passport photos at home is as follows:

Process Step Explanation
Taking the photo You must make sure your photo is correctly positioned, lit, and composed according to the requirements
Editing The photo should be cropped to the correct dimensions, but you are not allowed to add any filters, corrections, or enhancements to it
Printing Once the photo is of the correct size, you will need to print it on good-quality photo paper
Trimming You will have to cut the photo to the correct dimensions

This is a complex and time-consuming process, but DoNotPay has the answer.

We can offer you the best of both worlds—no need to leave home and no trouble processing your photo. Let DoNotPay do all the editing and printing work for you !

DoNotPay Can Prepare Perfect Passport Photos for You!

DoNotPay can take all the hassle out of getting perfect passport photos!

With our Passport Photos feature, you can send us your photo, and we will edit, crop, and process it to conform to all the regulations. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Sign up with DoNotPay in your web browser
  2. Click on our Passport Photos product
  3. Upload your photo

If you need to take another photo, we will let you know. If the image is fine, we will crop it to the correct size, test it for compliance, and send you the digital file. We can even send you hard copies via mail if you prefer.

Find your place of residence in the table below to see where you can have your passport photo taken:

San Diego Sacramento Boston Albuquerque Raleigh
Houston Atlanta Phoenix San Francisco Denver
Cincinnati Rochester Los Angeles Columbus Scottsdale
Honolulu Minneapolis Chicago Tallahassee Kansas City
New York City Portland Philadelphia Austin Rockville
Seattle Charleston San Jose San Antonio Charlotte
Herndon Colville Indianapolis Las Vegas Brooklyn

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  • Getting you free raffle tickets
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Are you dealing with a company that doesn't want to cooperate and keeps ignoring your consumer rights? No problem—DoNotPay can help you sue the company in small claims court and win your case.

If you need us to draw up a legal document, get it notarized, and fax it to the court, we can do that as well.

Have you been trying to reach the company's customer support reps with no success? Don't get stressed—our app will gladly wait in the phone queue in your stead and notify you as soon as someone picks up.

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What Is The Fee For A Passport Picture At The Ups Store At 1835 Miami Gardens Drive?


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