
Decorating Store Bought Christmas Stockings

This post will teach you How to Decorate Christmas Stockings.

Luxurious Christmas Stockings can be expensive.

Am I right?

Whether you want personalized Christmas stockings, or just want something a more than box store Christmas stockings, you can expect to spend some serious Christmas money.


Do I have your attention?

Unless you are a DIY er that is.

Today, I'll show you how to customize inexpensive store bought Christmas stockings with just a little money.

Red and Green Velvet Christmas Stockings
Store Bought Christmas Stockings – Update

If you're loving simple Christmas crafts and DIY s this year, you may want to check out my earlier post: Fun Christmas Napkin Folds 3 Items to Create a Simple Christmas Centerpiece

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How to Decorate Christmas Stockings

Supply List for the Simple Christmas Craft:

  1. stockings
  2. trim
  3. scissors
  4. glue gun or needle and thread if you like to sew

Steps for Decorating and Customizing Your Christmas Stockings

  1. Use good quality, inexpensive stockings
  2. Choose coordinating trim
  3. Glue or Sew on the Trim
  4. Hang by the chimney with care

Use Good Quality Christmas Stockings

Don't skimp on quality. Sure, if you find some good quality stockings at the dollar tree, purchase them. Just make sure they are well sewn: strong seams and nicely cut. No lopsided stockings.

These I purchased from Hobby Lobby during a half-priced event. They are excellent quality quilted plush velvet. Unfortunately, I don't believe H.L. carries this exact one any longer. But I found one that looks exactly like it:

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You could certainly use these unadorned, right! They are beautiful in the traditional red and green colors. But…..

Red and Green Velvet Christmas Stockings Update
Time to Update These Christmas Stockings

I don't use traditional colors in my home, so I decorate for holidays with the same bright color palette I have in my home year round.

Elegant Green and Teal Christmas Trees and Packages
Elegant Green and Teal Christmas Family Room

If you'd like to see more of the bright colored Christmas home here are a few posts you can check out: Chinoiserie Style Christmas Colorful Chinoiserie Christmas Dining Rooms Elegant Blue and Teal Christmas Tree

Choose Coordinating Trims for your Christmas Stocking Update

This particular year, the family room was decked out in Christmas green and teal. So I chose to add teal trims to the stockings.

Red and Green Christmas Stockings Update
Add Custom Trim to Store Bought Christmas Stockings

However, no red velvet was harmed in this DIY. I simply folded it down inside the stocking. After all, you never know when red and green will be my color theme of choice!

DIY Christmas Stocking Update
Tuck the Red Velvet Inside the Christmas Stocking

FYI: I believe I purchased the pom pom fringe from H.L. and the tassel trim from JoAnns.

Here are some great trims I've sources:

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Glue or Sew The Trim on the Christmas Stockings

Sewing is not my love! I know it is better than gluing. The finish is much more professional, and if I were making these for someone else, I'd most definitely drag out the sewing supplies.


For me: the glue gun is perfect. Especially when I have 10,000 more projects to get completed. I always get darling ladies who comment that I could whip stitch trim right into place, and they are exactly right! I could. It's not that difficult.


I don't.

DIY Christmas Stocking
Add Custom Trim to Store Bought Christmas Stockings

Hang Your Stylized Christmas Stockings By the Chimney with Care


Now, it is time for the pay off. Let's hang those stockings by the chimney with care!

Tassels and Pom Poms Update Christmas Stockings
Elegant Moss Green and Teal Christmas Stockings

And with a fire in the, ON the big screen we are ready to HOPE!

Moss Green and Teal Christmas Stockings
Green and Teal Christmas Family Room


Are you ready?

Are you getting excited for Christmas? I know we are on King Lane! Can't wait to settle into this beautiful season of the year.

Enjoy Today!
Love y'all,

Lori Nell

Here are a few additional Christmas Stockings that would work for this DIY project.

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Add Custom Trim to Store Bought Christmas Stockings

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Decorating Store Bought Christmas Stockings


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